Graphic warning! ! ! !

This accident happened when I was 21 years old, in the 2013. I'm not totally sure if I am allow to post this. It looks really disgusting and I apologize if you are eating.
My leg was scalded by hot water. It was almost 50 percent of my thigh. It felt like continuous burning on the thigh after the accident happened. I couldn't really walk, and had to hobble to my dad’s car to make it to the nearest clinic.
It happened on a normal morning that I was going to make myself a cup of tea. I was pouring hot water into a cup when I accidentally toppled my cup and the whole cup of hot water poured onto my thigh. At the time I was wearing a thick pair of jeans. I had to quickly take off my pants due to the hot water seeping in. I wasn't quick enough and the hot water reaches my skin. Once I got my pants off I saw my skin was starting to become red, the top epidermis started swelling, and was becoming a big blister. I remembered some basic first aid that I had learned at school and I knew that if I let some water run over it would help my wound cool down. I quickly hobbled into the bathroom and open the water taps to let the water run for 10 minutes. It was painful, but this is was best way to cool down the continuous burning feeling. This was a very important part of the healing process - if I had not known basic first aid, my skin would have become wrinkled and wouldn't have recovered as nicely as it has now.
I called my dad to take me to clinic that day. It took him 15 minutes to make it home and take me to the hospital. The doctor applied me some thick white cream and poked the blister. It was a very long process and quite painful. I was then sent home to rest in bed. The doctor didn’t cover my leg with gauze, which I think is right, because the whole night my leg continued sweating. I think it is normal because I lost my whole layer of the epidermis. I was lucky that he didn’t cover my leg with gauze.
Then, my very “smart “ mother, who was previously a nurse, was worried about my wound. She doubted that the doctor knowledge regarding not covering my wound and believed that it would cause a bacteria infection, despite being prescribed with some antibiotics. Due to her worry, I bought bandages and gauze and attempted to cover up my wound after few days. The worst part of my day began as my wound always very wet it would cause my skin to attach to the gauze. Imagine your skin and the gauze are all stuck together and now you have to undress the wound with new bandage and gauze. I would spend hours, peeling off the gauze and my skin and hating my mother. I actually invented a new way to undress my skin with gauze which was to pour some skin oil onto the gauze, which helped moisturize my skin again and made it easier to remove the gauze. The day after that, I refused to put on the bandage again.
I was in bed and was only able to hobble around for the entire month. My skin began to harden, and it formed a new layer of scab. During this stage it was very itchy, but I was told do not scatch the scab. The best way to stop the itchiness is to put some bio skin oil on it so the skin won't feel so dry and it will reduce the itchiness.

This was the day my scab started to fall off. I was able to walk like normal again. I remember I was told not to eat dark soil sauce so that my wound wouldn't have a scar on it. The doctor told me that there would be a scar on my leg forever. I wasn’t really hoping that my leg will be perfect again - I just hoped it wouldn't look so ugly.

Few months later, this is what my thigh looked like. It turned purple and dark and you could see my blood vessels on it. This is the time I began to feel pretty upset. I remember a time I was in a fitting room to try out some pantsand when I took off my pants in the fitting room I just stared at my scar. I just looked at the scar and how it was so ugly and I knew that I wouldn't be able to wear shorts again. I cried in the fitting room. I was so down and upset that I would never look pretty again.

So now, four years later, my leg is entirely healed and the skin look great! You can hardly notice there is any scar on it. I was either very lucky or I took really good care of the skin. I applied oil everyday on the would during the curing time, and kept applying it for two years later. My skin became smoother and the tone ended up matching the same color as other parts of my skin. The key to getting your wound heal is to believe that it will heal. To the girl out there who got a scar: I hope you love yourself more. Your body will love you back and show you some miracle. You have trust me. Doctors tell you there will be a scar but it will still heal if you believe it will. I remember those day I was afraid of people looking at my scar, and felt scared that I would never find people to love me because I have big scar on my thigh. Now, I know I was over worrying. I later met a guy that loves me for my personality instead of my appearance. He encouraged me a lot and I lived my most beautiful year when I was 21.
I hope my story have inspired some people who had same scar or have been through the same experience like me. Your scar will heal - you just need take good care of it and have positive attitude about it. It's just a scar and it will not affect your life and you deserve to be happy and you are still beautiful.
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